Monday, December 22, 2008

Shark Island get on the S'cool Bus - 1986

Fast forward to 1986 and Sharks are still without a major label deal, like most of their contemporaries have snagged. Throw in some legal issues with previous bands called Sharks and a name change and another indie release were on the horizon. According to their Wikipedia entry, things went something like this...

"In 1985, they changed their name to Shark Island and released another independent album titled, S'cool Buss the next year. Not much is remembered about this album as there were only 1,200 copies ever made (200 in a red cover and 1,000 in a turquoise color). One song that might have been the single from this album is "Palace Of Pleasure". It is impossible to verify this since this album is not available anywhere and was only available at that time from the band members themselves."

Track List:
Deja Vu
Sex Drive
Excess Marks the Spot
Here Comes Trouble
Puss 'n' Boots
Read My Lips
Automatic Girls
New York, New York
Palace of Pleasure


  1. This is a great album actually. I really like the song "Read My Lips". These guys used to rule the strip in the 80's, and supposedly Axl Rose stole all of his "moves" from Richard the singer. I remember them being pretty great live.. I could never understand why they never got anywhere. Like another band called Racer X that was technically amazing, but somehow got lost in the hairband shuffle..

  2. Fantastic!
    Pure Rock 'n Roll!
